Sample File: list-all-rows.php

CustomerId Name Email Address Gender Date Created Date Last Modified
2 Jack Frost Male

The Code


//outline (see source for full code)

//shortcut to the Customer table so we don`t have to keep writing it.
//typically wouldn`t do this, but it can make things cleaner sometimes
$cTable = $GLOBALS["db"]["Customer"];

//for example, these now are exactly the same:

//get all rows in the Customer table
$allRows = $cTable->GetAllRows(array(
	"order-by"=>"CustomerId", //optional options. see documentation api
	"return-count"=>&$numRows //optional OUT parameter. $numRows will be SET
	//other options available here... see documentation api
<table cellspacing="1">
		if($numRows == 0){ 
			?> <tr>
				<td colspan="6"><strong>NO ROWS</strong></td>
			</tr> <?
		else{ //loop over all rows and print the info
			foreach($allRows as $Customer){
						? date("M d, Y - g:i:s a",
								$Customer["DateCreated"](true)) : ""?></td>
						? date("M d, Y - g:i:s a"
								$Customer["DateLastModified"](true)) : ""?></td>
