ReadDb/ReadDb_MySQL.php 21

Type Line Description
24 note: PRI=Primary Key, UNI=Unique index, MUL=multiple... seems to mean the same as UNI though
27 other collations can easily be added if needed
28 UNIQUE when Key=PRI,UNI, or MUL. FULLTEXT for fulltext index
69 i.e. fulltext index on this column
80 Hold an instance of the class
83 only allow the singleton to access this class
87 The singleton method
101 call function from the singleton
103 the returned array will contain at least this information
110 note: PRI=Primary Key, UNI=Unique index, MUL=multiple... seems to mean the same as UNI though
113 other collations can easily be added if needed
135 get columns information from information_schema
152 for PMA bc:
180 lookup indexes on all tables
190 i.e. $row['Index_type']=="BTREE"
191 non-unique index
194 unique index
195 if key is not yet set, we need it

SyncDb/SyncDb_MySQL.php 103

Type Line Description
24 note: PRI=Primary Key, UNI=Unique index, MUL=multiple... seems to mean the same as UNI though
27 other collations can easily be added if needed
28 UNIQUE when Key=PRI,UNI, or MUL. MUL could also mean NONUNIQUE. FULLTEXT for fulltext index
69 i.e. fulltext index on this column
113 options... all booleans
120 Hold an instance of the class
123 only allow the singleton to access this class
127 The singleton method
147 for each table
149 table does not exist
153 table exists
156 lookup indexes on this table ("SHOW FULL FIELDS" doesnt provide all of this)
160 get indexes by columnname
163 get column for this index
165 force index type to FULLTEXT or UNIQUE. if not fulltext, assume it's a unique
167 Index_type == BTREE
176 if an index exists for this column already, remove it
179 an index exists already
180 ie PRIMARY, 'id', whatever. references the index
181 ie PRIMARY, 'id', whatever. references the index
184 this index is not our PRIMARY index, so let's remove it
186 dont use this index
189 this index man be our PRIMARY index, so let's remove the OLD index
195 ie PRIMARY, 'id', whatever. references the index
200 get regular column properties of the table
204 first- delete fields and 'track' updates, removal of keys, and removal of indexes
206 for each field in this table
209 set indexes. "IndexType" is not provided in the $currentField assoc ("SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `$tableName`" doesn't provide this)
211 see if indexType is set
215 if key is not yet set, we need it for non-fulltext indexes.
217 unique
218 nonunique
222 need this field for sync
223 $currentField['IndexName'] = ""; //dont need this for sync
228 delete rows in current db table that are not in new db structure
231 Message(" ---- Field '<b>".$fieldName."</b>' exists. Comparing properties...");
233 mark field as found in current db table
238 drop keys and indexes
241 update fields that already exist to remove auto_increment so we can drop keys and indexes
244 only update auto_increment fields
250 drop indexes
257 drop keys
263 then add indexes on fields that already exist
266 indexType can be UNIQUE or NONUNIQUE
271 then add fulltext indexes on fields that already exist
278 add new keys on fields that already exist
285 update fields that already exist to their final structure (includes auto-increment)
294 insert new fields (including keys and indexes on those fields)
315 inserts any fields in $newDbStructure that do not have the ['verified'] flag set
317 table was created by us now. no need to check it
321 skip this entry
322 if verified flag is not set, field doesnt exist in db
331 compares the two fields, adding the fields to $this->_fieldsToUpdate[], $this->_indexesToDrop[], and/or $this->_keysToDrop[] if necessary
333 print_r($currentField);
334 print_r($newField);
345 go through all properties to see what (if anything) needs updated
348 properties to ignore
354 Collation is a special case. Ignore it always unless it's set in the new structure
359 Collation only applies to string types: "CHAR, VARCHAR, the TEXT types, ENUM, and SET data types"
361 data type does not suppport collations
365 valid collation
371 check for index type changes (ie fulltext)
396 special case where MUL==UNI
401 check for primary/unique key changes
402 remove primary key
418 end switch
419 end foreach
421 regular update
424 remove unique or fulltext index
427 remove primary key
430 add unique index
433 add fulltext index
436 add primary key
450 copy structure with keys and indexes
451 copy data
476 non-unique index
539 compile default value for CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
544 blob/text types cant have default values in mysql. make sure it's not an enum/set though that may contain the text 'text' or 'blob'
549 no quotes around default value
553 quote default value
575 does not update indexes/primary keys. use AddPrimaryKey and AddIndex for that...
587 compile default value
592 blob/text types cant have default values in mysql
597 no quotes around default value for CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
601 quote default value
613 Collation only applies to string types: "CHAR, VARCHAR, the TEXT types, ENUM, and SET data types"
614 returns TRUE if collation is valid for the given data type, false if not
615 reference:
618 char and varchar
619 tinytext, text, mediumtext, and longtext
620 enum
621 set
622 valid
624 not valid
629 Collation only applies to string types: "CHAR, VARCHAR, the TEXT types, ENUM, and SET data types"
631 forced character set
632 reference:
643 no need for more yet. also may need to add a collation option
651 table not yet backed up
661 echo $str."<br>\n";

SmartDatabase.php 245

Type Line Description
15 PHP 5.3.0 is required. removing this check for performance. PHP <5.3 is considered EOL now
16 if (strnatcmp( ($version=phpversion()), '5.3.0') < 0){ //check php constraints. eventually we'll get rid of this when everyone is 5.3.0+
17 throw new Exception("This version of SmartDatabase only works with PHP versions 5.3.0 and newer. You are using PHP version $version");
18 }
28 should update this for ANY change to structure at least. used for determining if a serialized SmartDatabase object is invalid/out of date
30 ///////////////////////////// SERIALIZATION - At top so we don't forget to update these when we add new vars //////////////////////////
45 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 readonly. set in constructor
86 DbManager - The DbManager instance that will be used to perform operations on the actual database. If null, no database operations can be performed (use for 'in-memory' instances)
87 string - the database schema file to load. If left null, you will need to either build the database yourself useing ->AddTable() or load a schema from XML using ->LoadSchema()
88 boolean - development mode toggle. When true, does extra verifications (ie data types, columns, etc) that are a must for development, but may slow things down a bit when running in production.
89 boolean. if true and in $DEV_MODE, warnings will be shown for like missing classes and etc.
90 string (i.e. "America/Indiana/Indianapolis"). if set, sets the DefaultTimezone to this value. using "date_default_timezone_get()" will use php's default date timezone that is currently set and can be changed with a call to "date_default_timezone_set(...);". empty will use default system time (not recommended). Ref:
99 default options
100 'db-manager' => null,
101 reverse compatibility
107 reverse compatibility. constructor used to be (DbManager $dbManager=null, $xmlSchemaFilePath=null). now it's an array. need to support old versions though
110 first parameter is DbManager
113 merge in default options
116 set local variables in this object
122 load schema, if given
125 use default timezone?
129 ///////////////////////////// Table Management ///////////////////////////////////
161 make $this Databsae the column's Database
162 save this table with the table name as key
172 $this database is no longer the table's database
194 ///////////////////////////// LoadXmlSchema ///////////////////////////////////
208 if set to true, all tables currently loaded within this instance will be removed (unmanaged. the actual table still exists in the real db). if false, the given $xmlSchemaFilePath is simply added to whatever is currently in this database instance (tables/properties with the same name are overwritten with the new schema)
216 clear old tables... new database schema coming in.
221 default schema path
224 validate the xml with the schema
230 store schema's last mod time. Useful for serializing objects, storing them somewhere ($_SESSION, memcached, etc), then retrieving without needing to completely rebuild the database from xml
247 bs-"boolean string"
283 only print if we need to
287 only set display name if it isnt the same as the column name
291 enum and set data types
295 non-enum or set data type
297 only print if we need to
298 only save PossibleValues to its own attribute if not an enum or set data type... otherwise, it's part of the data type
310 dont set a MaxSize for int with maxsize=1. this field doesn't matter anyway. it's for left-zero padding
313 dont set MaxSize for binary with maxsize=1. this is default for binary columns
316 dont set MaxSize for decimal with maxsize="14,4". this is default for binary columns
318 filters pass. print MaxSize
322 true is default, so only print if false
325 true is default, so only print if false
331 true is default, so only print if false
334 true is default, so only print if false
343 auto-increment shouldnt be required, otherwise we dont get the autoincrement value
355 "text" is default, so only print if something else
368 SortOrder not yet implemented
369 $xml .= ' SortOrder="'.$Column->SortOrder.'"';
378 handle related columns (ie foreign keys)
412 write xml to file?
427 database table/column structure
429 key is the table name, value is an array containing all inhertied table names. (ie key table inherits value tables)
441 track inherited tables. will handle adding inherited columns after all regular tables/column have been added
442 "InheritsTableName" attribute is old and deprecated. use the plural "InheritsTableNames" since it is supported now
444 $inheritsTableNames could be CSV of multiple table names
451 optimization. we'll manually call $table->Refresh() after all columns have been added
459 add column aliases
460 if the "Aliases" attribute exists..
461 convert CSV string into array or FALSE if it's an empty string (false will avoid the foreach loop)
469 enum data type
471 parse out the enum values
474 set data type
476 parse out the set values
479 non-enum or set data type
489 default value is true
490 default value is true
492 default value is true
493 default value is true
501 "text" is default value
502 auto-increment shouldnt be required, otherwise we dont get the autoincrement value
508 add column possible values. if set and the data type is enum or set, these will be used as the only possible values instead of the enum/set values (ie you can use a subset of the possible values specified in the enum/set data type)
509 if the "PossibleValues" attribute exists..
510 convert CSV string into array or FALSE if it's an empty string
515 if the Column is a set data type, we need to verify each of the PossibleValues isn't a subset of a different PossibleValue.
516 ex: "tree" and "apple tree" will not be accepted because MySQL uses %tree% to search set like a CSV, so %tree% would match the 'apple tree' element as well
517 well just check for it and not allow it to avoid problems ahead of time
518 this is the behavior of MySQL -
532 optimization by doing this manually instead of using $table->AutoRefresh
533 re-enable auto refresh
536 foreach($allXmlClasses
538 is_array($allXmlClasses)
540 related columns
546 compile all in this relation
552 set all in this relation
570 handle inherited tables
588 this table is already ready to go. move along
595 inherited table is not ready yet, build it first
622 libxml_use_internal_errors(true); //uncomment to show xml parse errors
627 tried to pull in default values from the XSD document (for "AllowSet", "AllowGet", etc). could never get it to work. instead, we just set those default values in the XML parser and in the SmartColumn class itself
628 if($xsdFilePath){
629 $reader->setSchema($xsdFilePath);
630 }
644 v=value)
647 a=attributes
664 when validating data, if any error is encountered, libxml will generate PHP Warnings,
665 which is something I think is very annoying. to avoid that, you can disable libxml errors
666 and get them yourself. remember! this function must be called before you instantiate any DomDocument object!
669 creating a DomDocument object
671 loading the xml data
673 tries to validade the file
675 get errors
676 each element of the array $allErrors will be a LibXmlError Object
683 ///////////////////////////// SyncDb ///////////////////////////////////
689 if true, prints all Sync SQL instead of executing it
690 if true, creates a backup table before altering any existing tables
691 if true, tables and columns will be created if they do not exist
692 if true, existing SQL columns will be updated to match properties defined in the SmartDatabase
693 if true, columns that do not exist on a SmartDb managed table will be removed (note: unmanaged TABLES are never deleted!)
701 default options
708 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
717 print_nice($syncStructure);
719 TODO: support other databases
722 parameters: DoSync($dbManager, $newDbStructure, $backupTables=true, $doInsert=true, $doUpdate=true, $doDelete=true, $debugMode=false)
732 abstract tables do not actually go in the database, but they can be inherited from
734 if table name was updated programmatically, we need this to be right in our sync structure
738 if column name was updated programmatically, we need this to be right in our sync structure
740 Field
743 Type
746 enum.. and set.. types
750 ..char.. type
754 type
757 primary key
761 ..binary.. type
765 ..decimal.. type
767 default precision
774 array, object types
775 use text for array/object types. we can make the size configurable somehow if we need to down the road
778 Null
783 Key
792 Fulltext index
796 Nonunique index
805 Default
808 Extra
813 Collation
818 TODO: get this hard-coded SQL out of here... move to Sync class for a MySQL database
822 all columns
831 forced character set
832 reference:
844 no need for more yet. also may need to add a collation option
850 null
856 default value
857 blob/text types cant have default values in mysql
861 auto increment
866 primary key
872 unique
874 no need to specify as UNIQUE if it's a primary key. this will make 2 indexes
879 fulltext index
884 nonunique index
892 key columns
899 fulltext columns
904 nonunique columns
915 ///////////////////////////// ReadDatabase //////////////////////////////////
921 if true, the current smart database structure will be preserved. existing tables/column will be overwritten by the db definitions
922 will not import tables that start with the given prefix
923 string - if provided, will only read the structure of the given table name
929 default options
934 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
941 reset current database structure store in smartdb
946 TODO: support other databases
947 currently only works with PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50002
950 print_nice($sqlStructure);
954 ignoring this table due to prefix match
957 existing table (likely preserve-current option set to true)
960 new table (likely preserve-current option set to false)
964 optimization. we'll manually call $table->Refresh() after all columns have been added
966 track the column number
968 existing column (likely preserve-current option set to true)
971 new column (likely preserve-current option set to false)
976 $columnProps are the following:
977 int(1) unsigned
987 use datatype to determine each of the following vars:
995 check for ENUM and SET data types
997 find parenthesis in column type
998 $pos contains parenthesis position
999 ex type: "int(1) unsigned"
1000 "int"
1001 "(1) unsigned"
1002 "(1)" - $unsigned will be 0 or 1
1003 1
1007 parse out the enum/set values
1010 size just holds the possible values. dont keep it around
1014 no parenthesis in column's data type
1028 these datatypes will never really be set in SQL, so this IF statement is pretty much worthless
1035 for debugging
1059 auto-increment shouldnt be required, otherwise we dont get the autoincrement value
1063 use the column name to come up with something display friendly
1089 replace hyphens and underscore with space
1090 upper case the first words and trim
1092 only set the display name if it's different from the column name, otherwise there's no need
1101 optimization by doing this manually instead of using $table->AutoRefresh
1102 re-enable auto refresh
1107 $smartStructure = $this->BuildSyncStructure(); //current structure of the smartdb
1108 print_nice($smartStructure);
1111 ///////////////////////////// ArrayAccess ///////////////////////////////////
1140 ///////////////////////////// Countable ///////////////////////////////////
1149 ///////////////////////////// ERROR ON INVALID FUNCTIONS/VARS //////////////////////////
1169 ////////////////////////////// STATIC - GET SmartDatabase OBJECT FROM MEMCACHED ////////////////////////////////
1173 options are same as SmartDatabase constructor, plus a few extra for memcached
1175 DbManager - The DbManager instance that will be used to perform operations on the actual database. If null, no database operations can be performed (use for 'in-memory' instances)
1176 string - REQUIRED for caching - the database schema file to load. If left null, you will need to either build the database yourself useing ->AddTable() or load a schema from XML using ->LoadSchema()
1177 if set, $SmartDb->DefaultTimezone will be set to this value
1178 boolean - development mode toggle. When true, does extra verifications (ie data types, columns, etc) that are a must for development, but may slow things down a bit when running in production.
1179 boolean. if true and in $DEV_MODE, warnings will be shown for like missing classes and etc.
1180 string. REQUIRED for caching. memcached lookup key
1181 string. memcached connection host
1182 int. memcached connection port
1183 int. failover fast-ish
1184 a much better serializer than the default one in PHP
1185 actually makes things faster too
1192 we'll make sure memcached exists before using it
1194 default options
1195 'db-manager' => null,
1196 'xml-schema-file-path' => null, //REQUIRED for caching to work properly!
1197 'default-timezone' => '' //if set, $SmartDb->DefaultTimezone will be set to this value
1200 REQUIRED for caching to work properly
1203 override default. make failover fast-ish
1204 a much better serializer than the default one in PHP
1205 actually makes things faster too
1207 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
1212 check for all required arguments
1219 check for cached smartdb
1223 set options
1228 try to get the key from cache
1231 log an error if we didn't get a key. we'll see a lot of these if the cache server is down
1246 check if cachedDb is found and valid
1248 compare XML dates on cached schema to make sure cache is not expired. also make sure we're using the same version of the SmartDatabase
1253 dates and smartdb version match. valid cached db
1254 update the db manager. this can't be cached
1256 timezone could change from what was cached
1261 set our global to the cached db
1265 if no valid cache db found. create a new smartdb and store it in cache
1268 update cache (if no errors trying to fetch from memcached earlier)
1277 end class
1284 capture the output of print_r
1287 replace something like '[element] => <newline> (' with <a href="javascript:toggleDisplay('...');">...</a><div id="..." style="display: none;">
1290 replace ')' on its own on a new line (surrounded by whitespace is ok) with '</div>
1293 print the javascript function toggleDisplay() and then the transformed output
TODO 67 fully implement this. already has some stuff in SmartCell and SmartRow

DbManagers/DbManager.php 4

Type Line Description
42 utility functions
47 database management

DbManagers/DbManager_MySQL.php 228

Type Line Description
22 Variables
31 encrypted. use $this->GetPassword();
34 default. see consts below
35 deprecated in PHP v5.5. not recommended
38 the PHP_INT_MAX constant doesnt work in some encrypters
46 should be "AND" or "OR" only
54 for mysqli driver, when false, persistent connections are used (recommended). for mysql driver, this is the 4th parameters for mysql_connect. see mysql_connect documentation
55 for mysql driver only- this is the 5th parameters for mysql_connect. see mysql_connect documentation
56 if set, OpenConnection does a mysql_set_charset() with the given option (ie 'utf8mb4'). ref:
57 if set with charset, OpenConnection does a "SET NAMES..." with the given option (ie 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'). ref:
58 can be 'mysql' or 'mysqli' - the PHP extension to use for sql interaction. note- PHP v5.5+ deprecates 'mysql' driver
59 TODO: make default '+0:00'. empty will use system default time (not recommended). use hard numbers like '+0:00' cause timezone abbreviations must be defined in mysql otherwise, otherwise they may take no effect
66 for mysqli driver, when false, persistent connections are used (recommended). for mysql driver, this is the 4th parameters for mysql_connect. see mysql_connect documentation
67 for mysql driver only- this is the 5th parameters for mysql_connect. see mysql_connect documentation
68 if set, OpenConnection does a mysqli_set_charset() with the given option (ie 'utf8mb4'). ref:
69 if set with charset, OpenConnection does a "SET NAMES..." with the given option (ie 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'). ref:
70 can be 'mysql' or 'mysqli' - the PHP extension to use for sql interaction. note- PHP v5.5+ deprecates 'mysql' driver
71 TODO: make default '+0:00'. empty will use system default time (not recommended). use hard numbers like '+0:00' cause timezone abbreviations must be defined in mysql otherwise, otherwise they may take no effect
79 SEE self::$DefaultOptions
80 this is the 4th parameters for mysql_connect. see mysql_connect documentation
81 this is the 5th parameters for mysql_connect. see mysql_connect documentation
82 if set, OpenConnection does a mysql_set_charset() with the given option (ie 'utf8mb4'). ref:
83 if set with charset, OpenConnection does a "SET NAMES..." with the given option (ie 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'). ref:
84 can be 'mysql' or 'mysqli' - the PHP extension to use for sql interaction
85 recommended this is set to '+0:00'. empty will use system default time (not recommended). use hard numbers like '+0:00' cause timezone abbreviations must be defined in mysql otherwise, otherwise they may take no effect
101 merge in options
102 merge passed options with DefaultOptions
107 set the db driver from options (mysql or mysqli)
111 the rest of the options are our connection params
127 default
149 query MySQL to set client charset & collation. ref:
166 $this->_server.$this->_user will be our encrypt key
174 $this->_server.$this->_user will be our encrypt key
183 doesn't do a mysql_select_db. good for creating databases and etc management
196 -- mysql
200 -- mysqli
201 "new link" is created by default with mysqli
202 persistent connections are special (to help avoid max_user_connections
203 see - "To open a persistent connection you must prepend p: to the hostname when connecting."
205 store active 'links' for each server/username combination for reuse
208 no connection yet, create one and cache in static links array
211 connect to database using cached link
223 see if a charset is set (ie "utf8mb4");
226 get options
230 -- mysql
231 set PHP driver charset
234 query MySQL to set client charset & collation. ref:
239 -- mysqli
240 set PHP driver charset
243 query MySQL to set client charset & collation. ref:
262 exception show's the password passed through the constructor. only use for debugging
264 die("Bad arguments for DbManager constructor. Msg: ".$e->getMessage());
277 -- mysql
280 -- mysqli
293 if true, will immediately call mysql_select_db() with the database passed to this class
322 -- mysql
325 -- mysqli
339 if true, does a SELECT DISTINCT for the select. Note: there must only be 1 select field, otherwise an exception is thrown
341 if true, overwrites any other 'column-quotes' options (below) and will add column quotes to everything
342 if true, automatically adds `quotes` around the `column names` in select fields
343 if true, automatically adds `quotes` around the `column names` in the where clause
344 if true, automatically adds `quotes` around the `column names` in the order clause
346 if true, overwrites any other 'dot-notation' options (below) and will add dot notation to everything
347 if true, automatically adds dot.notation before column names in select fields
348 if true, automatically adds dot.notation before column names in the where clause
349 if true, automatically adds dot.notation before column names in the order clause
351 if true, numerics will always be quoted in the where clause (ie "WHERE `price`='123'" instead of "WHERE `price`=123"). NOTE- this is for reverse compatibility. only used if $table is a string and not a SmartTable object
352 if true, will always call mysql_select_db() with the database passed to this class
371 default to "SELECT * ..."
387 extended options
391 should handle $limit==0, which is invalid.
392 matches "10" or "100,10". will incorrectly match "0", but "0,10" is correct. the if statement above should handle the "0" case though
409 if true, overwrites any other 'column-quotes' options (below) and will add column quotes to everything
410 if true, overwrites any other 'dot-notation' options (below) and will add dot notation to everything
411 if true, will call mysql_select_db() with the database passed to this class
429 Compile SQL fields
432 save column name without quotes or dot notation
438 Compile SQL values
441 now()
462 if true, overwrites any other 'column-quotes' options (below) and will add column quotes to everything
463 if true, overwrites any other 'dot-notation' options (below) and will add dot notation to everything
464 if true, will call mysql_select_db() with the database passed to this class
465 if true, numerics will always be quoted in the where clause (ie ...WHERE `price`='123'... instead of ... WHERE `price`=123...). NOTE- this is for reverse compatibility. only used if $table is a string and not a SmartTable object
486 save column name without quotes or dot notation
494 now()
505 extended options
525 if true, overwrites any other 'column-quotes' options (below) and will add column quotes to everything
526 if true, overwrites any other 'dot-notation' options (below) and will add dot notation to everything
527 if true, will call mysql_select_db() with the database passed to this class
528 if true, numerics will always be quoted in the where clause (ie ...WHERE `price`='123'... instead of ... WHERE `price`=123...). NOTE- this is for reverse compatibility. only used if $table is a string and not a SmartTable object
545 extended options
565 set to true if writing a query without dot notation (database.table.field) AND your app uses multiple databases with 1 connection (ie not using the 'new_link' flag on any database connection)
566 if true, will skip any call to mysql_select_db. good for creating databases and etc management
567 (NOT SUPPORTED WITH DRIVER 'mysql') - if true, will use mysqli_multi_query. use NextResult() to iterate through each query's result set. throws an exception on error
585 reset vars
591 lazy connect
593 the reason for this else: if we just connected, database was just selected. no need to select it again here.
597 -- mysql
598 NOT SUPPORTED with mysql
603 -- mysqli
612 if last_result is false and there is no error, this could have been an insert. this is valid
618 var_dump($query);
619 var_dump($this->_connection);
621 var_dump($this->_lastResult);
639 -- mysql //NOT SUPPORTED with mysql
642 -- mysqli
645 no more results
653 if last_result is false and there is no error, this could have been an insert. this is valid
669 -- mysql //NOT SUPPORTED with mysql
670 throw new Exception("NextResult(), FlushResults(), and 'multi-query' are not supported with driver 'mysql' (use mysqli)");
673 -- mysqli
684 -- mysql
687 -- mysqli
726 so an empty array is returned if no rows are set. avoids "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()"
765 so an empty array is returned if no rows are set. avoids "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()"
798 -- mysql
801 -- mysqli
828 -- mysql
831 -- mysqli
846 -- mysql
849 -- mysqli
861 -- mysql
864 -- mysqli
876 -- mysql
879 -- mysqli
896 -- mysql
899 -- mysqli
911 TODO: get rid of this completely and disable magic quotes:
912 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { //DEPRECATED! will be removed in PHP 6
913 $string = stripslashes($string);
914 }
918 -- mysql
921 -- mysqli
941 $direction is actually the col name them because user input array like array("id","col1"); assume asc for cols
947 else $colName = $colName;
970 clean up val
973 yes dot notation
974 no dot notation, but yes column quotes
975 no dot notation or column quotes
989 get table name. if $table is not a string, it has to be a SmartTable object
1009 if true, numerics will always be quoted in the where clause (ie ...WHERE `price`='123'... instead of ... WHERE `price`=123...). NOTE- this is for reverse compatibility. only used if $table is a string and not a SmartTable object
1026 need to add an " AND " (or " OR ") in between clauses. see constructor options
1028 force "AND" or "OR"
1056 check if key is a condition
1059 check if key is an operator
1062 if the key is not a keyword and not numeric, it is assumed to be the column name
1066 the value returned
1067 $val can either be a scalar or an array
1068 value is an array, recurse.
1072 need to add an " AND " or " OR " in between clauses
1078 wrap in parenthesis
1080 $val is a scalar. this is the end of the recursion
1099 the value returned
1100 clean up field name
1104 save column name without quotes or dot notation
1108 else $column = $column;
1111 null is special
1113 'is not null' for null
1115 'is null' for null
1117 value is not null
1119 See:
1121 to make sure we don't over-escape single quotes, we'll escape single quotes as "''" instead of "\'"
1122 underscore ('_') is a wildcard in LIKE matching one character. need to escape it to match the actual underscore
1123 see
1126 "To search for "\", specify it as "\\\\"; this is because the backslashes are stripped once by the
1127 parser and again when the pattern match is made, leaving a single backslash to be matched against."
1128 see
1135 HACK-ish: MySQL doesn't recognize NULL as '!=' a value or 'not like' a value.
1136 so we have to force null checking for operators that negate.
1167 match operator
1168 match condition
1169 no match
1182 operators
1187 no match
1201 conditions
1212 special conditions
1214 special conditions
1217 no match
1225 for reverse compatibility. only used if $table is a string and not a SmartTable object
1236 default options
1238 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
1244 HACKish - handle SmartCells in case someone accidentally forgets to call ->GetValue() on the smart cell
1249 null is null
1254 if $table is not a string, it has to be a SmartTable object. we can use this to get the column type
1257 handle booleans.
1259 boolean false is '\0'. make booleans default to 1 and 0
1264 get the column's data type to determine if the value should be quoted
1266 $table is a SmartTable object
1268 dont quote numbers
1285 needs quotes. this data type stores binary strings that have no character set or collation (it is NOT strictly ones and zeros)
1286 force binary to be 0 if nothing is set
1290 quote non-numbers
1292 false should evalute to empty string
1299 notify us of the invalid column and table, but don't error out
1300 trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING );
1305 if we get here, we dont have database structure info and need to try to best guess how quotes should be used (also for reverse compatibility)
1306 note that the following will incorrectly not quote something like "053" or even "546t" for varchar fields, and 53 or 546 get used instead.
1307 this is why a SmartDb is recommended for db structure info
1360 table doesn't exist to drop
1367 table still exists
1368 table doesn't exist anymore
1380 table doesn't exist to drop
1397 database already exists
1406 database wasn't created
1407 database created
1417 database doesn't exist to drop
1426 database still exists
1427 database doesn't exist anymore
1448 default options
1455 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
1460 make sure the source database exists
1465 drop the destination database if it already exists and $options['drop-existing-database']==true
1471 create the destination database if it doesnt already exist
1477 set our dbmanager to the $sourceDatabaseName so we can select the tables/data
1478 we'll restore this after the copy operation
1481 need to restore the database connection if something fails
1482 get all table records in the source database
1486 loop through all source table records
1490 copy the structure of the table
1500 copy the data with primary keys and indexes and etc
1506 restore the database connection if something goes wrong
1511 restore the database connection
1653 ********************* password management ********************************
1665 pad with null characters

SmartTable.php 231

Type Line Description
23 ///////////////////////////// SERIALIZATION - At top so we don't forget to update these when we add new vars //////////////////////////
50 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
72 default to false
90 ///////////////////////////// Table Structure ///////////////////////////////////
91 Key is the column name, Value is the Column instance.
92 Key is the column alias name, value is the actual column name
94 computed from $this->_columns
95 computed from $this->_columns
96 computed from $this->_columns
97 computed from $this->_columns
99 key is the function name, value is the DbManager results to cache
222 clear column aliases
239 handle columns with aliases
257 a little error checking to make sure the structure checks out
262 ///////////////////////////// Column Management ///////////////////////////////////
274 make $this table the column's table
275 save this column with the column name as key
289 the actual column exists
292 a column alias exists
311 $this table is no longer the column's table
326 ///////////////////////////// Table Inheritance ///////////////////////////////////
358 already inherited
363 clone so when AddColumn() changes the Table of the Column, it doesnt affect the original Column's Table reference
364 false so we don't replace existing columns. Need this for table inheritance since the regular columns are added first, then the inherited columns. dont want to replace a regular column wiht an inherited one
366 inherit relations from $Column
368 this column has relations
369 add a relation between this table and the original table
371 add relation between this table and the inherited columns that were set from the original table
380 ///////////////////////////// Invoke ///////////////////////////////////
396 ///////////////////////////// ArrayAccess ///////////////////////////////////
425 ///////////////////////////// Countable ///////////////////////////////////
436 ///////////////////////////// Table Data Functions ///////////////////////////////////
438 used internally to track max depth of the lookupAssoc in VerifyLookupAssoc()
448 INTERNAL GLOBAL! this is determined within VerifyLookupAssocHelper
459 This extra array wrapping can be ignored once we are sure the DbManager will always AND by default for multi-elements within the first dimension of lookup arrays
460 not a multi-dimension array... wrap another array around this one so we AND by default instead of OR (as the DbManager does for backwards compatibility)
461 extra array needed for the backwards compatibility within DbManager
472 track array's depth internally
475 verify $key is numeric, a column name, or a keyword (ie "AND", "OR", "<", "!=", etc)
476 not numeric. must be a column or a keyword
479 save to recurse
482 save to recurse
484 not keyword, must be column
487 check aliases
488 save to recurse
489 gets the real column name in case the $key is a column alias
490 if these are different, we have a column alias
491 transfer alias lookup settings to the actual column
493 unset alias
498 hack for MySQL database
499 'SET' data type needs some special data handling for where clauses
500 ex: "$lookupAssoc = ['AND'=>['a','c']]" should give us "...WHERE set = 'a,c'" and not "...WHERE set = 'a' AND set = 'c'"
501 ex: "$lookupAssoc = ['OR'=>['!='=>['a','c']]]" should give us "...WHERE set != 'a,c'" and not "...WHERE set != 'a' AND set != 'c'"
502 ex: "$lookupAssoc = ['LIKE'=>['OR'=>'b,a']] should give us "...WHERE set LIKE '%a%' OR set LIKE '%b%'"
503 TODO: MOVE THIS INTO MySQL DB MANAGER??? Is this considered database specific...? Or maybe just an "if(mysql){" statement around this logic here.
504 The MySQL Db manager has no knowledge over column data types, and this case only applies to SETs.
507 look for a sub-array. if none, this particular array is the set of "AND" and "=" values we need to match.
511 key could be numeric or a keyword
516 value could be an array to recurse on or a CSV of SET values. if either, we need to recurse
517 recurse?
521 if subVal is a CSV of values...
522 convert CSV to an array so we can recurse as normal
531 combine array of values into a CSV for this edge case
534 $val will go through VerifyValueType() below to handle sorting and etc. needed for MySQL also
537 data handling
538 recurse?
544 the actual lookup value. normalize data, based on column data type
547 don't convert serialized objects/arrays so we can do raw string comparisons
551 hack for MySQL database
552 'SET' data type needs some special data handling for where clauses for "LIKE" to work with sets
553 where we need to put the mysql wildcard '%' around all strings.
554 mysql stores sets as CSV in the database and does basic string searching in WHERE clauses
555 to see if a particular value is within the set *along with* other values (ie: "...WHERE set LIKE '%a%,%c%';" to match 'a,b,c,d' set data)
556 TODO: MOVE THIS INTO MySQL DB MANAGER??? Is this considered database specific...? Or maybe just an "if(mysql){" statement around this logic here.
557 The MySQL Db manager has no knowledge over column data types, and this case only applies to SETs.
579 check that the 'return-next-row' option is set
581 option not not set
584 verify the 'return-next-row' option is passed by reference. it MUST be
587 copy options array and test if the 'return-next-row' is passed by reference
590 not passed by reference
594 'return-next-row' is passed by reference.
595 restore the original return-next-row option.
596 make sure the original is an int
597 if $curVal is >0 here, then we're returning the NEXT row and should have a cached dbmanager to use
598 no cached dbmanager? assume this is the first call and we should return the first row of the result set
611 Either a string of the column to sort ASC by, or an assoc array of "ColumnName"=>"ASC"|"DESC" to sort by. An exception will be thrown if a column does not exist.
612 function - if set, this function will be invoked for each row and the full result set will NOT be returned- only the LAST ROW in the set will be returned (if there is one). the function's signature should be function($row, $i){} where $row is the actual SmartRow, and $i is the 1-based index of the row being returned
613 if true, the returned assoc-array will have the row's primary key column value as its key (if a non-composite primary key exists on the table. otherwise this option is ignored) and the Row instance as its value. ie array("2"=>$row,...) instead of just array($row,...);
614 OUT variable. integer. if you set this parameter in the $options array, then this function will return only 1 row of the result set at a time. If there are no rows selected or left to iterate over, null is returned.
615 THIS PARAMETER MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE - i.e. array( "return-next-row" => &$curCount ) - the incoming value of this parameter doesn't matter and will be overwritten)
616 After this function is executed, this OUT variable will be set with the number of rows that have been returned thus far.
617 Each consecutive call to this function with the 'return-next-row' option set will return the next row in the result set, and also increment the 'return-next-row' variable to the number of rows that have been returned thus far
618 With one argument (ie $limit="10"), the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set
619 With two arguments (ie $limit="100,10"), the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):
620 OUT variable only. integer. after this function is executed, this variable will be set with the number of rows being returned. Usage ex: array('return-count'=>&$count)
621 if true, the return-count will be returned instead of the rows. A good optimization if you dont need to read any data from the rows and just need the rowcount of the search
634 table must have a single primary key column
639 get DbManager we need to use. could be a stored result set if $returnNextRow > 0
643 check for the 'return-next-row' option to return 1 row at a time
644 returns INT >= 0 or FALSE
646 check the 'callback' option
649 verify we have an anonymous function or a function name in global scope
653 do the query if we're not returning the next row from our result set
654 spelling out both cases for clarity - $returnNextRow could be 0 or false here. both should run the new query
655 clear any cached result sets we may have
660 $lookupAssoc is not required. if no $lookupAssoc is given, this will be identical to GetAllRows().
665 do the new query
671 check the 'return-count-only' option
675 fetch SQL results
676 specifically check for FALSE here (zero is valid for returning the 1st row of the set)
677 if we're returning the first row of a result set, we need to store this particular result dbmanager to iterate over later, so clone our current DbManager and save it to this Table object
682 return just a single result at a time from the stored DbManager's result set
683 just 1 row.
684 no more rows to fetch in this result set
686 track the number of records we've returned
688 take SQL results and return SmartRows
691 callback?
693 call the user's function
703 if we're returning one row at a time, we need to store this particular result dbmanager to iterate over later, so clone our current DbManager and save it to this Table object
706 get row
710 call the user's function
714 clear cached result sets we may have
715 clear any cached result sets we may have
722 'return-next-row' option is not set. return array of all results
723 get an array of all of the rows
725 take SQL results and return SmartRows
732 take SQL results and return SmartRows
735 specifically check for FALSE here (zero is valid for returning the 1st row of the set)
736 return only a single row at a time
739 return all rows as an assoc array with row-key as array-key
744 return all rows pushed onto an array
754 specifically check for FALSE here (zero is valid for returning the 1st row of the set)
755 return only a single row at a time
758 return all rows as an assoc array with row-key as array-key
763 return all rows pushed onto an array
785 handle $lookupVals as a non-array... only works if column is a non-composite primary key
786 NON-ARRAY. special case where $lookupVals is just the key column value
798 table must have a single primary key column
810 match
822 no match. return a new instance with this value set.
833 try to set the column values to what was looked up since the row was not found
834 force disable commit changes immediately in this case
838 filter column names in the lookup assoc
844 set values on the row to be returned
852 set commit changes immediately back to its old value
872 if the key is not a keyword and not numeric, it is assumed to be the column name
874 check if key is a condition
878 check if key is an operator
882 if the key is not a keyword and not numeric, it is assumed to be the column name
886 $val can either be a scalar or an array
887 value is an array, recurse.
892 $val is a scalar. this is the end of the recursion
893 clean up field name
896 only track columns with an '=' condition and columns that are not defined multiple times
901 hopefully this is unique enough :)
906 on final pass, remove any ___ignore___ columns
918 Either a string of the column to sort ASC by, or an assoc array of "ColumnName"=>"ASC"|"DESC" to sort by. An exception will be thrown if a column does not exist.
919 If true, only unique values will be returned. Note: array keys in the returned array will NOT be the key column when this is true)
920 if true, the returned assoc-array will have the row's primary key column value as its key (if a non-composite primary key exists on the table. otherwise this option is ignored) and the $returnColumn's value as its value. ie array("2"=>$returnColumnValue,...) instead of just array($returnColumnValue,...);
921 With one argument (ie $limit="10"), the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set
922 With two arguments (ie $limit="100,10"), the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):
923 OUT variable only. integer. after this function is executed, this variable will be set with the number of values being returned. Usage ex: array('return-count'=>&$count)
924 if true, the return-count will be returned instead of the rows. A good optimization if you dont need to read any data from the rows and just need the rowcount of the search
933 reverse-compatibility: $lookupAssoc used to be first parameter, then $returnColumn was second. handle both situations
934 if this is true "$returnColumn" is actually "$lookupAssoc" (reverse compatibility). need to swap these parameters
935 tmp store the actual $returnColumn (in $lookupAssoc) so we can overwrite $lookupAssoc
936 overwrite $lookupAssoc to be the actual lookup array
937 overwrite $returnColumn with the actual column
942 column may be an alias and/or may need to unserialize the returned data. get the actual column and check if it's serialized
944 override $returnColumn name. handles aliases
946 $lookupAssoc is not required. if no $lookupAssoc is given, this will work similar to SmartColumn->GetAllValues().
958 table must have a single primary key column
965 check the 'return-count-only' option
968 return an assoc array
971 depending on the column's data type, we may need to normalize the raw database value for everyday use
975 return a regular array
978 depending on the column's data type, we may need to normalize the raw database value for everyday use
983 no primary key or returning UNIQUE results only
987 check the 'return-count-only' option
992 depending on the column's data type, we may need to normalize the raw database value for everyday use
1008 row not found
1023 If true, all row-level "Delete" callbacks will be skipped. This can substantially improve the performance of very large bulk deletions.
1037 skipping delete callbacks on the row-level will delete rows directly on the DB level for efficiency
1038 yes, skip callbacks. faster.
1039 handle $lookupAssoc as a non-array... only works if column is a non-composite primary key
1040 NON-ARRAY. special case where $lookupAssoc is just the key column value
1050 make sure we're only looking up with key/unique columns
1065 dont skip callbacks. need to lookup the row and delete the row directly. slower than the above
1067 1 row deleted
1068 0 rows deleted
1078 If true, all row-level "Delete" callbacks will be skipped. This can substantially improve the performance of very large bulk deletions.
1090 skipping delete callbacks on the row-level will delete rows directly on the DB level for efficiency
1091 yes, skip callbacks. faster.
1098 dont skip callbacks. need to lookup each row and delete each row directly. slower than the above
1101 delete row and increase count if successful
1114 If true, all row-level "Delete" callbacks will be skipped. This can substantially improve the performance of very large bulk deletions.
1125 skipping delete callbacks on the row-level will delete rows directly on the DB level for efficiency
1126 yes, skip callbacks. faster.
1131 dont skip callbacks. need to lookup each row and delete each row directly. slower than the above
1134 delete row and increase count if successful
1146 Either a string of the column to sort ASC by, or an assoc array of "ColumnName"=>"ASC"|"DESC" to sort by. An exception will be thrown if a column does not exist.
1147 function - if set, this function will be invoked for each row and the full result set will NOT be returned- only the LAST ROW in the set will be returned (if there is one). the function's signature should be function($row, $i){} where $row is the actual SmartRow, and $i is the 1-based index of the row being returned
1148 if true, the returned assoc-array will have the row's primary key column value as its key and the row as its value. ie array("2"=>$row,...) instead of just array($row,...);
1149 OUT variable. integer. if you set this parameter in the $options array, then this function will return only 1 row of the result set at a time. If there are no rows selected or left to iterate over, null is returned.
1150 THIS PARAMETER MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE - i.e. array( "return-next-row" => &$curCount ) - the incoming value of this parameter doesn't matter and will be overwritten)
1151 After this function is executed, this OUT variable will be set with the number of rows that have been returned thus far.
1152 Each consecutive call to this function with the 'return-next-row' option set will return the next row in the result set, and also increment the 'return-next-row' variable to the number of rows that have been returned thus far
1153 With one argument (ie $limit="10"), the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set
1154 With two arguments (ie $limit="100,10"), the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):
1155 OUT variable only. integer. after this function is executed, this variable will be set with the number of rows being returned. Usage ex: array('return-count'=>&$count)
1156 if true, the return-count will be returned instead of the rows. A good optimization if you dont need to read any data from the rows and just need the rowcount of the search
1187 //////////////////////// PRIVATE HELPER CLASSES //////////////////////////
1198 $key is column name. 'asc' or 'desc' is the $val
1202 default
1205 $val is column name ($key is nothing). default to 'asc'
1207 default
1210 column exists
1211 column may be an alias. get the actual column name
1213 override $sortBy name with actual name
1215 set final sort val
1223 use a string as a single column name to sort by
1225 default for a single string column
1226 column exists. default to ASC
1227 column may be an alias. get the actual column name
1229 override $sortBy name with actual name
1231 set final sort val
1242 ///////////////////////////// ERROR ON INVALID FUNCTIONS/VARS //////////////////////////
1264 end class
TODO 1165 Make all tables work with this function

SmartRow.php 170

Type Line Description
31 implement custom functionality using $this
33 ---------- START EXAMPLE CUSTOM FUNCTIONALITY ------------//
34 formats an alpha-numeric "Price" column
35 if we have any alpha characters, return the price as is. otherwise, we'll format it up (i.e. could return "$12.43" or "CALL FOR PRICE")
37 $this is the current SmartRow instance, containing our row data for/from the database
46 helper function - turns something like "$12,300.50" or "$12300.50" or "12300.50" into "12300.5", which can then be formatted exactly as needed.
50 ---------- END EXAMPLE CUSTOM FUNCTIONALITY ------------//
58 There are 2 signatures for this (which allows for extending on this class, but using a different table)
59 1. __construct($Database, $keyColumnValues=null, $options=null) //uses table "YOUR_TABLE_NAME"
60 2. __construct($tableName, $Database, $keyColumnValues=null, $options=null) //uses table $tableName
65 implement custom functionality using $this
79 ///////////////////////////// SERIALIZATION - At top so we don't forget to update these when we add new vars //////////////////////////
109 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
126 Key is the column name, value is the Cell instance.
128 true when changes need to be committed to the database
129 true when this instance represents a row that exists in the database; false if this row is not yet in the database
130 true if initial column values have been pulled from the database (if the row exist in the database. if it does not, this bool will be false)
146 if set to false, the default values will not be set on any Cell of the new row
159 save the Database
160 save the dbManager for easy access
163 initialize all Cells of this row
168 this column has a default value
173 handle $keyColumnValues that may have been passed through
247 no exception on error
257 If true: does not validate the key columns. If false: validates all columns
258 If true: only cells that have been set (i.e. isset()==true) will be verified (not recommended if this info will be committed to db). If false: all cells will be verified (should be used if this info will be committed to db).
259 appended to each error message
267 default options
270 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
287 If true: does not validate the key columns. If false: validates all columns
288 If true: only cells that have been set (i.e. isset()==true) will be verified (not recommended if this info will be committed to db). If false: all cells will be verified (should be used if this info will be committed to db).
320 the actual column exists
325 a column alias exists
396 true if changes have been made to the key from what was previously defined before calling this function
399 only working with NON auto-increment key columns
402 get the passed value... either with the real column name or the first found alias (ignores multiple matches)
405 compare the passed key value to the current key value
413 only working with NON auto-increment key columns
419 check if this new key already exists in database
420 build the where clause array
422 only working with NON auto-increment key columns
423 get the passed value... either with the real column name or the first found alias (ignores multiple matches)
433 a row with this key already exists
437 delete old row from database with old key from before calling this method
441 set new key columns
442 only working with NON auto-increment key columns
445 get the passed value... either with the real column name or the first found alias (ignores multiple matches)
454 automatically commit changes now?
467 get the passed value... either with the real column name or first found alias (ignores multiple matches)
468 real column name
471 check aliased columns
477 real column name
499 info must be setup as $assocArray = array('TableName'=>array('ColumnName1'=>value, ...))
503 check real columns
509 real columns
512 real column notifier
513 notifier let us know this column was in use on the page, but as a checkbox, its POST does not get sent if the checkbox is not checked. so set the 'not checked' value
515 check column alias only as a last resort if the real column name was not found
518 aliased column
521 aliased column notifier
522 notifier let us know this column was in use on the page, but as a checkbox, its POST does not get sent if the checkbox is not checked. so set the 'not checked' value
554 for reverse compatibility. the $options variable used to be a variable for $onlyAddSetColumns. false by default.
571 for reverse compatibility. the $options variable used to be a variable for $onlyAddSetColumns. false by default.
588 If false, populates the provided assoc-array with ALL get-able key columns. If true, populates the provided assoc-array with only the get-able columns that have been set (i.e. isset()==true)
589 if true, key columns are returned in the array. if false, key columns are not returned in the array
590 if true, non-key columns are returned in the array. if false, non-key columns are not returned in the array
591 set this to auto-format date columns. ref formarts that work with php's date() function (
599 for reverse compatibility. the $options variable used to be a variable for $onlyAddSetColumns. false by default.
603 default options
606 set this to auto-format date columns. ref formarts that work with php's date() function (
608 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
618 ignore key columns
619 ignore non-key columns
621 normalize dates?
623 true so value goes through strtotime()
624 strtotime could have failed to parse for some reason
625 using "date()" instead of "gmdate()" will return timestamp in whatever LOCAL time in, so be sure to include a timezone indicator in the date format
631 do not normalize dates
647 Either a string of the column to sort ASC by, or an assoc array of "ColumnName"=>"ASC"|"DESC" to sort by. An exception will be thrown if a column does not exist.
648 With one argument (ie $limit="10"), the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set
649 With two arguments (ie $limit="100,10"), the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):
650 OUT variable only. integer. after this function is executed, this variable will be set with the number of values being returned. Usage ex: array('return-count'=>&$count)
651 if true, the return-count will be returned instead of the rows. A good optimization if you dont need to read any data from the rows and just need the rowcount of the search
683 1 row found
686 check if the 1 found row has the same key as $this row
695 different row. update this $row with the data from the database
708 check the 'return-count-only' option
713 num or rows selected != 1
714 check the 'return-count-only' option
732 get the extended version of the class if exists
735 the extended version doesnt exist or is not in scope, so just return the Base class
745 ///////////////////////////// The Major Row-To-Database Communications ///////////////////////////////////
755 this row/table has no key columns, so nothing to look up
759 some sort of primary key exists
760 make sure every primary key is set. if not, do not query the database
762 if key is not set, don't lookup row
766 primary key is not yet set in this row/table, so nothing is in the database to get.
773 primary key is set in this row/table, so get the record from the database that matches this primary key
782 successfully got matching row from database table
789 value coming out of DB does not have timezone by default. it will assume LOCAL time unless specified.
798 matching row not found in database table
799 primary key is auto-increment
806 primary key is not auto-increment
829 row is not in database yet. insert a new row
830 event could be cancelled. make sure this is 0 at this point for our return value
834 returns number of rows inserted. should be 1 on success, 0 on fail (or TRUE/FALSE)
840 row exists in database. Update it
841 nothing to commit
843 event could be cancelled. make sure this is 0 at this point for our return value
862 all changes have been written to database. not dirty anymore
877 build arrays
908 error inserting new column into database
911 todo: handle this nicely?
914 successfuly inserted column. set the new column unique key value
917 primary key now has an id that was chosen by auto_increment in database
920 no primary key or primary key exists and is composite or non-autoincrement
921 todo: handle this nicely?
935 only delete if a key column is defined
938 not initialized yet. need to initialize to see if this row exists in database
939 row does not exist to delete
963 if 0 rows deleted, row still exists in database. this typically should not happen
964 if the row still exists in the database, the isDirty status will not have changed. otherwise the row doesnt exist, so not dirty
966 clear the values of auto-increment key columns
977 ///////////////////////////// ArrayAccess ///////////////////////////////////
1015 ///////////////////////////// JsonSerializable ///////////////////////////////////
1025 ///////////////////////////// TO STRING ///////////////////////////////////
1080 $str .= $this->InputValidation->ToString();
1084 //////////////////////////// INTERNAL CALLBACKS //////////////////////////////
1093 automatically commit changes now?
1096 ///////////////////////////// PUBLIC CALLBACKS ///////////////////////////////////
1128 row callback arrays
1129 callbacks to be fired before the row has been committed to database (can be insert or update)
1130 callbacks to be fired after the row has been committed to database (can be insert or update)
1131 callbacks to be fired before the has been insertted to database (doesnt include update)
1132 callbacks to be fired after the row has been insertted to database (doesnt include update)
1133 callbacks to be fired before the row has been updated to database (doesnt include insert)
1134 callbacks to be fired after the row has been updated to database (doesnt include insert)
1135 callbacks to be fired before the row has been deleted from database
1136 callbacks to be fired after the row has been deleted from database
1138 callbacks to be fired before any Cell of this row has been set
1139 callbacks to be fired before any Cell of this row has been set
1140 callbacks to be fired after any Cell of this row has been set
1148 no callbacks defined or callbacks disabled
1151 pass $this->Row reference back through to the callback
1165 setting 'cancel-event' to true within your $callbackFunction will prevent the event from continuing
1209 setting 'cancel-event' to true within your $callbackFunction will prevent the event from continuing
1253 setting 'cancel-event' to true within your $callbackFunction will prevent the event from continuing
1297 setting 'cancel-event' to true within your $callbackFunction will prevent the event from continuing
1334 /////// Cell callbacks /////////
1371 setting 'cancel-event' to true within your $callbackFunction will prevent the event from continuing
1372 the Cell that fired the event (Cell's contain all Column functionality and properties)
1373 the current value of this column, BEFORE it has changed to 'new-value'
1374 the value that this column is going to be set to, replacing the 'current-value'
1389 verify we have an anonymous function or a function name in global scope
1417 setting 'cancel-event' to true within your $callbackFunction will prevent the event from continuing
1418 the Cell that fired the event
1419 the current value of this column, BEFORE it has changed to 'new-value'
1420 the value that this column is going to be set to, replacing the 'current-value'
1435 verify we have an anonymous function or a function name in global scope
1462 the Cell that fired the event
1463 the current value of this column, AFTER it has been changed from 'old-value'
1464 the value that this column was set to before it was updated with the 'current-value'
1479 verify we have an anonymous function or a function name in global scope
1498 ///////////////////////////// ERROR ON INVALID FUNCTIONS/VARS //////////////////////////
1521 end class
TODO 753 add comments that explain what happens if no primary key exists

SmartColumn.php 151

Type Line Description
19 ///////////////////////////// SERIALIZATION - At top so we don't forget to update these when we add new vars //////////////////////////
62 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
139 MaxSize is something like (14,4) for decimals. first number is precision, second number is scale
141 add 1 for a decimal point
240 ///////////////////////////// Column Relations ///////////////////////////////////
269 set relation on $this column
272 set relation on related column
295 unset relation on related column
316 make sure $columnName isnt an alias
317 gets the real name of the column if $columnName is an alias
322 ///////////////////////////// Column Aliases ///////////////////////////////////
334 if true, the returned array will just be an array of alias names
358 set relation on $this column
392 ///////////////////////////// Column Data Functions ///////////////////////////////////
407 may need to transform the value to it's original type for array and object types
412 'set' type is CSV internally, but we work with arrays
413 empty array if not set
417 is a date column
419 match. special check for "0000-00-00...". different OS's and PHP versions handle strtotim("0000-00-00 00:00:00") differently
425 is a timezone column
434 is a date column
436 check for a default timezone
437 if value is set...
438 column level defaults take precedence over database level, if both defaults are set.
441 always stored as UTC when timezone in use
442 convert to that timezone
455 Either a string of the column to sort ASC by, or an assoc array of "ColumnName"=>"ASC"|"DESC" to sort by. An exception will be thrown if a column does not exist.
456 If true, only unique values will be returned. Note: array keys in the returned array will NOT be the key column when this is true)
457 if true, the returned assoc-array will have the row's primary key column value as its key and the row as its value. ie array("2"=>$row,...) instead of just array($row,...);
458 With one argument (ie $limit="10"), the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set
459 With two arguments (ie $limit="100,10"), the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):
460 OUT variable only. integer. after this function is executed, this variable will be set with the number of values being returned. Usage ex: array('return-count'=>&$count)
461 if true, the return-count will be returned instead of the rows. A good optimization if you dont need to read any data from the rows and just need the rowcount of the search.
507 MySQL reference -
520 make sure lookup assoc is valid, if given
527 todo- move aggregate functions to DbManager somehow
535 may need to normalize the raw data for use. depends on the column's data type (mostly dates, in this case)
548 Either a string of the column to sort ASC by, or an assoc array of "ColumnName"=>"ASC"|"DESC" to sort by. An exception will be thrown if a column does not exist.
549 if true, the returned assoc-array will have the row's primary key column value as its key and the row as its value. ie array("2"=>$row,...) instead of just array($row,...);
550 function - if set, this function will be invoked for each row and the full result set will NOT be returned- only the LAST ROW in the set will be returned (if there is one). the function's signature should be function($row, $i){} where $row is the actual SmartRow, and $i is the 1-based index of the row being returned
551 OUT variable. integer. if you set this parameter in the $options array, then this function will return only 1 row of the result set at a time. If there are no rows selected or left to iterate over, null is returned.
552 THIS PARAMETER MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE - i.e. array( "return-next-row" => &$curCount ) - the incoming value of this parameter doesn't matter and will be overwritten)
553 After this function is executed, this OUT variable will be set with the number of rows that have been returned thus far.
554 Each consecutive call to this function with the 'return-next-row' option set will return the next row in the result set, and also increment the 'return-next-row' variable to the number of rows that have been returned thus far
555 With one argument (ie $limit="10"), the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set
556 With two arguments (ie $limit="100,10"), the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):
557 OUT variable only. integer. after this function is executed, this variable will be set with the number of rows being returned. Usage ex: array('return-count'=>&$count)
558 if true, the return-count will be returned instead of the rows. A good optimization if you dont need to read any data from the rows and just need the rowcount of the search.
568 normalize serialized data
594 normalize serialized data
615 If true, all row-level "Delete" callbacks will be skipped. This can substantially improve the performance of very large bulk deletions.
623 skipping delete callbacks on the row-level will delete rows directly on the DB level for efficiency
624 yes, skip callbacks. faster.
628 normalize serialized data
633 dont skip callbacks. need to lookup each row and delete each row directly. slower than the above
636 delete row and increase count if successful
657 If true, all row-level callbacks AND error-checking will be skipped. This can substantially improve the performance on very large tables.
658 Only available in conjunction with 'skip-callbacks'=true. If both of these options are true, all row-level error checking will be skipped when each updated Row is Commit()'ed.
668 skipping callbacks on the row-level will update rows directly on the DB level for efficiency
669 yes, skip callbacks. faster.
673 normalize serialized data
678 dont skip callbacks. need to lookup each row and update each row directly. slower than the above
682 update row and increase count if successful
683 note: this will call VerifyValueType(), so no need to here.
691 ///////////////////////////// Data Normalization ///////////////////////////////////
697 If true, serialized data will be left as-is (i.e. for using strings in lookup assocs)
698 if true, SET data is returned as a CSV. SmartDb uses a CSV internally, as MySQL does basically.
707 handle special type conversions
708 development mode
709 convert objects to strings if the column type is not an object
721 "set" can be an array of all selected values, or a csv of selected values
726 production mode
727 convert objects to strings if the column type is not an object
732 null is null. let it go
735 handle booleans.
737 boolean false is '\0'. make booleans default to 1 and 0
742 handle date columns
743 can be a string of a date format or an int timestamp value since 1970
746 match. special check for "0000-00-00...". different OS's and PHP versions handle strtotim("0000-00-00 00:00:00") differently
751 value is set. if a timezone is in use, use gmdate(). otherwise use date()
752 "date" DataType has a slightly different format than other DateColumns
756 column level defaults take precedence over database level, if both defaults are set.
758 a timezone is in use, always store a gmdate (not system time)
759 if value is int and < 100000000, we'll assume it's not a raw timestamp (100000000 puts us in 1970s somewhere)
761 strtotime( <int> ) returns false. if <int> data type, we assume $value is the raw timestamp value we should use, and skip strtotime
764 try to parse string. might return false if invalid
766 invalid date format
770 parsed successfully
775 no timezone in use, use date (system time)
776 if value is int and < 100000000, we'll assume it's not a raw timestamp (100000000 puts us in 1970s somewhere)
778 strtotime( <int> ) returns false. if <int> data type, we assume $value is the raw timestamp value we should use, and skip strtotime
784 must set to null since there is no "0" date (i.e. TIMESTAMP has a range of '1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-19 03:14:07' UTC)
789 set needs to be sorted accordingly (for mysql WHERE clauses)
790 also if $value is an array, make it a CSV
796 strongly type the data
798 dont quote numbers
804 trim leading $ before the hard cast to int (PHP will cast something like "$3.50" to 0 otherwise)
805 regular whitespace trim PLUS dollar sign. ref:
814 trim leading $ before the hard cast to float (PHP will cast something like "$3.50" to 0 otherwise)
815 regular whitespace trim PLUS dollar sign. ref:
821 needs quotes. this data type stores binary strings that have no character set or collation (it is NOT strictly ones and zeros)
822 force binary to be 0 if nothing is set
826 case 'set':
827 handled above since we already have a bool if this is true
842 false should evalute to empty string
850 ///////////////////////////// Serialize/Unserialize Array/Object functions ///////////////////////////////////
893 force null if nothing is set. note, this includes an empty array
894 verify array type
895 not an array, though it may already be serialized. test it
896 returns false if not serialized
897 not valid array or serizlied array
898 make the given $array valid. return the passed value as the only item in the serialized array
911 force null if nothing is set
912 verify object type
913 not an object, though it may already be serialized. test it
914 returns false if not serialized
915 not valid object or serizlied object
929 return empty array always instead of null
931 could not unserialize
932 return value as is, inside an array
948 ///////////////////////////// "SET" data type functions ///////////////////////////////////
962 simple cache
969 turn a CSV to array so we can sort the data
975 sort (trimmed and case-insensitive just as mysql does with SETs)
982 empty element. remove. consider it null
986 not found
989 use the actual "PossibleValue"
992 don't remove this case. handle the empty elemenet it in your app.
995 array values need to be sorted. i thought php did this by default when working with <int> array keys, but that doesn't seem to be the case. so we sort.
997 sorted
999 if the array is empty, equate this to null across the board. null/not set is either allowed or not... it's all or nothing
1001 return csv if forced or if input data is in CSV format (keep it the same)
1012 simple cache
1019 turn a CSV to array so we can sort the data
1024 sort (trimmed and case-insensitive just as mysql does with SETs)
1031 empty element. remove. consider it null
1034 not found
1038 SET data column cannot contain set data AND null/empty in same set
1042 ////////////////////////// FORM STUFF //////////////////////////////////
1060 ///////////////////////////// Invoke ///////////////////////////////////
1073 ///////////////////////////// ERROR ON INVALID FUNCTIONS/VARS //////////////////////////
1095 end class
TODO 567 Implement table's with composite keys into this function
TODO 593 Implement table's with composite keys into this function
TODO 162 implement this
TODO 167 implement this. and maybe default to true instead of false
TODO 227 Implement the SortOrder property for columns. 1-indexed to distinguish 0 from null/not set?

SmartCell.php 258

Type Line Description
21 ///////////////////////////// SERIALIZATION - At top so we don't forget to update these when we add new vars //////////////////////////
38 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
90 ///////////////////////////// COLUMN WRAPPERS ///////////////////////////////
112 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
120 this shorthand is recommended:
121 same thing as $row['YOUR_COLUMN_NAME']->GetValue();
122 same thing as $row['YOUR_COLUMN_NAME']->GetValue(true);
124 NOTE: This is not recommended, but you can skip the function call (i.e. $row['YOUR_COLUMN_NAME']) when the returned value is used as a STRING ONLY! Otherwise, $row['YOUR_COLUMN_NAME'] gives you the actual SmartCell object. For example:
125 is fine and will echo the column value
126 is fine and will compare the column value to "my data"
127 is NOT fine since we're not doing string comparison. this statement will try to compare the actual SmartCell object with the int 3 and will lead to bad things.
128 is fine
129 is fine and RECOMMENDED (just always invoke the Column/Cell directly like this)
130 is fine
139 initialize the row if not a primary key. may set $this->_value
143 depending on the column's data type, we may need to normalize the raw database value for everyday use
146 handle special return options (as described in the function comments)
147 note- serialized columns (arrays, objects) do not have special return options, so ignore that parameter for those types.
149 is a date column
152 if false, strtotime failed and couldn't parse a date
155 not a date column
171 initialize the row if not a primary key. may set $this->_value
191 changing a primary key column value?
193 setting a non-autoincrement, non composite key
199 changing a non primary key column value
203 event cancelled, do not set the value
213 notify the row that a cell's value had changed
244 do this instead of unset. unset loses our private $_value and forces the value to be set on the Column level next time through, thanks to magic functions
247 TODO: may need these Compress() and Uncompress() functions at that point?
254 private function Compress($txt){
255 return base64_encode(gzcompress($txt));
256 }
263 private function Uncompress($txt){
264 return gzuncompress(base64_decode($txt));
265 }
273 check null first. only allow null special if this column is NOT required (ie NULL sf a valid value)
284 special case with \0 not recognized as null/false
287 special case with \0 not recognized as null/false
303 $compareValues will be a CSV at this point, as is _value
304 $compareValue will be serialized at this point, as is _value
305 $compareValue will be serialized at this point, as is _value
320 Either a string of the column to sort ASC by, or an assoc array of "ColumnName"=>"ASC"|"DESC" to sort by. An exception will be thrown if a column does not exist.
321 if true, the returned assoc-array will have the row's primary key column value as its key and the row as its value. ie array("2"=>$row,...) instead of just array($row,...);
322 OUT variable. integer. if you set this parameter in the $options array, then this function will return only 1 row of the result set at a time. If there are no rows selected or left to iterate over, null is returned.
323 THIS PARAMETER MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE - i.e. array( "return-next-row" => &$curCount ) - the incoming value of this parameter doesn't matter and will be overwritten)
324 After this function is executed, this OUT variable will be set with the number of rows that have been returned thus far.
325 Each consecutive call to this function with the 'return-next-row' option set will return the next row in the result set, and also increment the 'return-next-row' variable to the number of rows that have been returned thus far
326 With one argument (ie $limit="10"), the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set
327 With two arguments (ie $limit="100,10"), the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):
328 OUT variable only. integer. after this function is executed, this variable will be set with the number of rows being returned. Usage ex: array('return-count'=>&$count)
329 if true, the return-count will be returned instead of the rows. A good optimization if you dont need to read any data from the rows and just need the rowcount of the search.
338 shortcut support for GetRelatedRows(tableName, options)
342 shortcut support for GetRelatedRows(tableName)
378 ///////////////////////////// CALLBACK STUFF ///////////////////////////////////
379 event callback arrays
380 callbacks to be fired when this column has been set (not necessarily 'changed')
381 callbacks to be fired before this column has been changed
382 callbacks to be fired after this column has been changed
395 no callbacks defined or callbacks disabled
397 pass $this->Row reference back through to the callback
411 setting 'cancel-event' to true within your $callbackFunction will prevent the event from continuing
412 a reference to the Cell that fired the event
413 the current value of this column, BEFORE it has changed to 'new-value'
414 the value that this column is going to be set to, replacing the 'current-value'. Changing this value in your $callbackFunction will change the value that the column will be set to.
435 setting 'cancel-event' to true within your $callbackFunction will prevent the event from continuing
436 a reference to the Cell that fired the event
437 the current value of this column, BEFORE it has changed to 'new-value'
438 the value that this column is going to be set to, replacing the 'current-value'. Changing this value in your $callbackFunction will change the value that the column will be set to.
462 a reference to the Cell that fired the event
463 the current value of this column, AFTER it has been changed from 'old-value'
464 the value that this column was set to before it was updated with the 'current-value'
479 ///////////////////////////// FORM STUFF ///////////////////////////////////
524 if true, a '*' will be appended to the end of the input field (note: default value may be set on the Column. use this field to overwrite the default value)
525 can be either: 1. array("functionName", $obj) if function belongs to $obj, 2. array("functionName", "className") if the function is static within class "classname", or 3. just "functionName" if function is in global scope. this function will be called when getting the form object and the value returned by it will be used as the form object's value. the callback's signiture is functionName($value), where $value is the current cell value
536 default options
539 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
544 get $currentValue (note: BuildAttribsHtml() does htmlspecialchars)
546 serialized columns should present the 'raw' serialized text data
549 set columns should present the 'raw' csv text data
567 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
573 formatter callback
585 should be something unique, doesnt matter what
591 if true, a '*' will be appended to the end of the input field (note: default value may be set on the Column. use this field to overwrite the default value)
592 can be either: 1. array("functionName", $obj) if function belongs to $obj, 2. array("functionName", "className") if the function is static within class "classname", or 3. just "functionName" if function is in global scope. this function will be called when getting the form object and the value returned by it will be used as the form object's value. the callback's signiture is functionName($value), where $value is the current cell value
603 default options
606 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
611 get $currentValue (note: BuildAttribsHtml() does htmlspecialchars)
613 serialized columns should present the 'raw' serialized text data
616 set columns should present the 'raw' csv text data
638 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
644 formatter callback
659 if true, a '*' will be appended to the end of the input field (note: default value may be set on the Column. use this field to overwrite the default value)
660 can be either: 1. array("functionName", $obj) if function belongs to $obj, 2. array("functionName", "className") if the function is static within class "classname", or 3. just "functionName" if function is in global scope. this function will be called when getting the form object and the value returned by it will be used as the form object's value. the callback's signiture is functionName($value), where $value is the current cell value
672 default options
675 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
680 get $currentValue (note: BuildAttribsHtml() does htmlspecialchars)
682 serialized columns should present the 'raw' serialized text data
686 set columns should present the 'raw' csv text data
692 not checked. but need a value for the checkbox in case user checks it
693 set columns should present the 'raw' csv text data
694 use first item, if we have one
700 current value is set
716 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
722 formatter callback
741 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
759 if true, a '*' will be appended to the end of the input field (note: default value may be set on the Column. use this field to overwrite the default value)
760 can be either: 1. array("functionName", $obj) if function belongs to $obj, 2. array("functionName", "className") if the function is static within class "classname", or 3. just "functionName" if function is in global scope. this function will be called when getting the form object and the value returned by it will be used as the form object's value. the callback's signiture is functionName($value), where $value is the current cell value
761 if true, an empty option will be the first option printed
762 string. if set, the given key within $keyValuePairs will be forced as the selected option (if found. if not found, the browser's default choice will be selected, probably the first in the list)
763 if true, this will populate the select object with the "PossibleValues" for this particular column (as defined in the xml db schema)
777 default options
781 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
786 set the 'use-possible-values' option to true if this parameter is true. it's a shortcut
792 add brackets (array notation) for multi-selects going into php
802 sets allow multiple select
803 'size' => count($keyValuePairs) IF between 2 and 10
805 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
812 get $currentValue
814 serialized columns should present the 'raw' serialized text data
827 populate select values from xml
832 multi select (multiple current values)
833 currentValue should be array here, but might be a CSV
843 get formatted $currentValue
855 try to make the multiple selects the right size (within reasonable limits)
863 get formatted $currentValue
866 non-multi select (1 current value)
892 if true, a '*' will be appended to the end of the input field (note: default value may be set on the Column. use this field to overwrite the default value)
893 can be either: 1. array("functionName", $obj) if function belongs to $obj, 2. array("functionName", "className") if the function is static within class "classname", or 3. just "functionName" if function is in global scope. this function will be called when getting the form object and the value returned by it will be used as the form object's value. the callback's signiture is functionName($value), where $value is the current cell value
894 the actual shown value of the text area (if not using the default value from this cell)
904 get $currentValue
906 serialized columns should present the 'raw' serialized text data
909 set columns should present the 'raw' csv text data
913 get formatted $currentValue
917 default options
921 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
937 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
957 can be either: 1. array("functionName", $obj) if function belongs to $obj, 2. array("functionName", "className") if the function is static within class "classname", or 3. just "functionName" if function is in global scope. this function will be called when getting the form object and the value returned by it will be used as the form object's value. the callback's signiture is functionName($value), where $value is the current cell value
969 default options
971 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
977 get $currentValue (note: BuildAttribsHtml() does htmlspecialchars)
979 serialized columns should present the 'raw' serialized text data
982 set columns should present the 'raw' csv text data
995 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
1001 formatter callback
1017 if true, this radio button will be checked regardless of the current Cell value. if false, this radio button will be checked only if the value matches the one currently in the Cell
1018 if true, this radio button will be checked only if the current Cell value for thi column is null. defaults to true if the current value is 0 or empty string
1019 a string for the text of the label next to the radio button. if this field is left empty, no label will be included with the button
1020 can be "left" or "right", relative to the radio button (only if ['include-label']=true)
1021 can be either: 1. array("functionName", $obj) if function belongs to $obj, 2. array("functionName", "className") if the function is static within class "classname", or 3. just "functionName" if function is in global scope. this function will be called when getting the form object and the value returned by it will be used as the form object's value. the callback's signiture is functionName($value), where $value is the current cell value
1034 default options
1036 defaults to true if the current value is 0 or empty string
1037 deprecated. alias to checked-if-null
1041 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
1043 support legacy options
1047 get $currentValue (note: BuildAttribsHtml() does htmlspecialchars)
1049 serialized columns should present the 'raw' serialized text data
1054 set columns need to check if this $formValue is part of the active set
1055 $currentValue is an array
1062 "checked-if-null" radio option should default to true if the current value is 0 or empty string
1063 if(!$formValue && ($currentValue === 0 || $currentValue === '')){
1064 $options['checked-if-null'] = true;
1065 }
1082 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
1088 formatter callback
1105 strips any characters not valid for an HTML ID
1123 if true, a '*' will be appended to the end of the input field (note: default value may be set on the Column. use this field to overwrite the default value)
1124 can be either: 1. array("functionName", $obj) if function belongs to $obj, 2. array("functionName", "className") if the function is static within class "classname", or 3. just "functionName" if function is in global scope. this function will be called when getting the form object and the value returned by it will be used as the form object's value. the callback's signiture is functionName($value), where $value is the current cell value
1135 default options
1138 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
1143 get $currentValue (note: BuildAttribsHtml() does htmlspecialchars)
1145 serialized columns should present the 'raw' serialized text data
1148 set columns should present the 'raw' csv text data
1166 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
1172 formatter callback
1186 if true, a '*' will be appended to the end of the input field (note: default value may be set on the Column. use this field to overwrite the default value)
1187 can be either: 1. array("functionName", $obj) if function belongs to $obj, 2. array("functionName", "className") if the function is static within class "classname", or 3. just "functionName" if function is in global scope. this function will be called when getting the form object and the value returned by it will be used as the form object's value. the callback's signiture is functionName($value), where $value is the current cell value
1198 default options
1201 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
1206 get $currentValue (note: BuildAttribsHtml() does htmlspecialchars)
1208 serialized columns should present the 'raw' serialized text data
1211 set columns should present the 'raw' csv text data
1229 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
1235 formatter callback
1249 if true, a '*' will be appended to the end of the input field (note: default value may be set on the Column. use this field to overwrite the default value)
1250 can be either: 1. array("functionName", $obj) if function belongs to $obj, 2. array("functionName", "className") if the function is static within class "classname", or 3. just "functionName" if function is in global scope. this function will be called when getting the form object and the value returned by it will be used as the form object's value. the callback's signiture is functionName($value), where $value is the current cell value
1261 default options
1264 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
1269 get $currentValue (note: BuildAttribsHtml() does htmlspecialchars)
1271 serialized columns should present the 'raw' serialized text data
1274 set columns should present the 'raw' csv text data
1289 overwrite $defaultAttribs with any $customAttribs specified
1295 formatter callback
1327 the id of the form object that this label is for. this should be left as default on most cases as the default name will be generated so it can be tracked by this class; custom names require you to handle organization of matching label names to form object ids
1328 the text or html of the label. empty will use the column's DisplayName (if set), otherwise uses the ColumnName
1329 adds a text or html prefix to the label
1330 adds a text or html suffix to the label
1331 if true, will html-special-chars the prefix, label-text, and suffix
1338 reverse compatible
1339 default options
1346 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
1351 if true, will html-special-chars the prefix, label-text, and suffix
1361 ///////////////////////////// INPUT VALIDATION ///////////////////////////////////
1370 If true: does not validate the key columns. If false: validates all columns
1371 If true: only cells that have been set (i.e. isset()==true) will be verified (not recommended if this info will be committed to db). If false: all cells will be verified (should be used if this info will be committed to db).
1372 appended to each error message
1379 default options
1382 overwrite $defaultOptions with any $options specified
1394 need to validate that the value is valid (mostly for enumerations and sets)
1395 for mysql, enum has null and "" as separate valid values and "" is ALWAYS valid... wtf? make it so "" and null are equal and always valid. will be caught later if null is not allowed
1399 non-null value
1400 all set values must be within the list of PossibleValues
1403 invalid. show error message
1412 enum (and other types thta might have PossibleValues set, but why would you do that?)
1413 for mysql, enums are case-insensetitive! "AAA"=="aAa" as valid enum values
1414 case-insensitive array search
1424 int 0 is different from "0" ( int 0 will consider the column as set for all datatypes except binary
1425 so.. if the column is binary and the value is int 0, this is an error. if the column is anything else besides binary, this is NOT an error
1444 ignore this if the field is required and empty. already have that error message
1447 let this case pass because input is not required
1457 ignore regex if the field is required and empty. already have that error message
1459 let this case pass because input is not required
1461 both PHP and javascript do case-insensitive regex checking
1471 ignore 'null' values when checking uniqueness
1476 $this row doesnt exist, so the found value is in use in another row
1478 get formatted $currentValue
1484 $this row does exist. see if the found value is part of $this row by comparing key column(s)
1489 found row is not $this row, so found value is in use in another row
1491 get formatted $currentValue
1500 no other way to automatically determine if the found value is part of this row. leave it to the programmer/mysql errors for duplicates
1510 ///////////////////////////// ArrayAccess ///////////////////////////////////
1557 ///////////////////////////// Countable ///////////////////////////////////
1568 ////////////////////////// IteratorAggregate /////////////////////////////
1579 end class

FormValidation/SmartFormValidation_jQueryValidate.php 18

Type Line Description
23 validate page properties form
81 $Column doesnt matter if $Table isnt set, so no need to check it
82 return rules for the entire Database
92 return rules for the given $Column
97 if(!empty($Table)){
98 return rules for the given $Table
115 Makes the element always required.
118 Makes the element require a given minimum length.
122 Makes the element require a given maxmimum length.
125 Makes the element require matching the regex
130 if($Column->){
131 $js .= "number: {$Column->MinSize},"; //Makes the element require a decimal number.
132 }
136 if($Column->){
137 $js .= "digits: {$Column->Digits},"; //Makes the element require digits only.
138 }